Digital_Repository / Memory Bank / codcheritageconz / ie_hacks.css
	Drop-down menu hacks for Internet Explorer. This is include by an IE
	conditional in the main template. Works with IE 7, not sure about 5/6.

	Include behaviour file to enable hover highlighting over anything,
	not just <A>. whatever:hover behaviour file obtained from This file should
	be in the same directory as this CSS file.
body {
	behavior: url(/style/;

	The following two rules fix issues with incorrect whitespace in lists.
#codc_tm_menu_items ul li {
	float: left;
	width: 100%;

#codc_tm_menu_items ul li a {
	height: 1%;

	Ensure that sub-menus appear in the correct location relative to the
	top-level menu bar. Setting left to zero seems particularly unnecessary,
	but the sub-menus appear one menu item too far to the right without it.
#codc_tm_menu_items ul ul {
	left: 0;
	top: 20px;

	For some reason the positioning of this comes out wrong in IE. I think
	it has to do with font rendering.
.codc_tm_searchbar table {
        top: 0px;